miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012


Dear all,
Today, 31st of October, we celebrate Halloween.
Where does the holiday come from?

The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts lived in Europe more than 2000 years ago. On November 1st they celebrated the end of summer. They thought ghosts visited the living on October 31st. They dressed up like ghosts so the spirits would not harm them.
Today, many countries still remember the dead on November 1st. It is called All Saints day. Another name for it is All Hallow’s Day. The day before, October 31st, is called All Hallow’s Eve, or Halloween for short.

Halloween is an old tradition in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, people dressed up and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United States, they started using pumpkins. This is where the jack-o’-lantern comes from.
They also had a tradition of giving food to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor people. This is where trick-or-treating comes from.
Halloween has changed a lot since its origins. New people have brought new traditions, and changed the old ones. What do you think Halloween would be like in another two thousand years?
And you, do you celebrate Halloween in your country?

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

English Pronunciation - B & V

Hi everyone!

Here I leave a post about the pronunciation of “B” versus “V”.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

How to say dates in English - Days, Months and Years

Hi guys!
I post this video to revise what we saw this afternoon. Study hard!!
Hola chic@s!
Pego este video para repasar lo que vimos esta tarde. ¡Estudiad mucho!

CountriesNationalities New.mov

Hi guys! I leave this interesting video about countries and nationalities, we´ll see them in class this week.
Hola chic@s! Os dejo un video interesante sobre países y nacionalidades, lo veremos en clase esta semana.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012


Dear students!
How are you? I am pretty good! I am spending an interesting weekend in my new location: Sigüenza!
I leave some links for YOU to practice the grammar and vocabulary we have seen so far! To be (+)
Add all the links to your "favourite list" and keep searching for info and doing exercises!!
See you on Monday!;)
Estimados alumn@s!
¿Qué tal estáis? Yo bastante bien, pasando un finde interesante en mi nueva ubicación: Sigüenza!
Os dejo unos enlaces para que practiquéis la gramática y el vocabulario que hemos visto hasta el momento!el verbo To Be en afirmativa. Guardad los enlaces en favoritos,en esas webs encontraréis más recursos para trabajar por vuestra cuenta y ser "autonomous learners"!!!
¡Nos vemos el lunes! ;)

Personal questions

Personal questions
Click and listen!!!very interesting for 1º de básico students!

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

REVISION:The Big Numbers Song

Para que reviséis los números que hemos visto en clase!!

Let´s get it started!
First things first: THE ALPHABET

Listen to the alphabet and repeat. We are going to study it in class tomorrow!
Estimados alumnos!
¡Lo primero es lo primero! Os “posteo” una entrada sobre el alfabeto, echadle un ojo y practicar, lo veremos mañana en clase.

ALPHABET English ABC... read in ENGLISH